Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Sixth CPC Report (x):Central Services:(ii)

The previous post had covered the recommendations for Central Services Gr. A with reference to common issues for various Central Services. Summary of recommendations for individual services is given below.  

For the Indian Foreign Service the recommendation is for maintaining parity with IAS. The demand of Indian Audit & Accounts Services (IAAS) for merger of posts of Addl Dy CAG and Dy CAG has not been accepted since the same may amount to cadre review -an exercise which Commission does not consider within scope of it's activities. Commission feels that the  Govt. can later consider such requests separately. Commission has also recommended for setting up of a committee for merger of other Gr. A Accounts Services with IAAS with the objective of better resource  utilization . Railway Accounts Service is however to be considered separately in light of recommendation for Corporatisation of Indian Railways .

Indian Civil Accounts Services had demanded the integration of finance and accounts functions . The demand has been considered to be fit for referral to Administrative Reforms Commission.

For Indian Customs & Central Excise Service the demand for restructuring of Central Board for Excise & Customs (CBEC) on pattern of Railway Board has not been accepted since the nature of responsibilities in the two services are different. The demand for encaderment of posts of Chairperson and members of CBEC has also not been found acceptable since this would reduce the flexibility and openness of selection process. The post of Chairman is proposed to be covered in the Scale of Rs.80000 (fixed ) with rank of Special Secretary.

While the demands of Indian Defence Accounts Service have  been found fit for examination by the Govt. separately taking in view the functional needs,  the demand of Indian  Defence Estate Service for creation of three posts in Scale of Rs 24500 -26000 has not been agreed to. Similarly the demand of Indian Economic Service (IES) for time bound promotion up to Higher Administrative Grade (HAG) and similar demands from Indian Statistical Service and Indian Trade Service are expected to be settled with the introduction of the Pay bands providing for uninterrupted mobility in career progression . The scheme of modified ACPs is also expected to take care of similar concerns expressed by these services . The observations with reference to demands of Indian Information Service are of similar nature.

With reference to Indian Ordnance Factories Service recommendations to the Govt. are for studying the feasibility of corporatisation  on the lines of BSNL as recommended by Nair Committee and Kelkar Committee earlier.  It is expected that such a move would make the units financially competitive and viable entities.

Major benefits have been recommended for Indian Postal Service keeping in view the expected expansion of activities in future . Proposals include merger of two pre revised scales of Rs 22400-26000 and Rs. 24050-26000, a step which would place the posts of Pr. Chief Post Master General (Pr.CPMG)  and Member Postal Board in the same pay band (PB-4) and grade pay of Rs.13000/-The Postal service Board is proposed to have six posts of members in the above scale and shall also include post of Pr. CPMG. Commission has recommended that three circles of Maharshtra , Tamil Nadu and MP shall be headed by CPMG  instead of Principal CPMG.

Indian Revenue Service having cadre strength of more than 4400 officers has received specific attention . Commission has noted that  it does not have a single Secretary Level post despite the large cadre strength. The recommendations propose up-gradation of post of member Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) in the scale of Rs.80000/- (fixed) which will be at par with the Scale of Chairman (CBDT) and equivalent to Special Secretary to Govt. of India .The Commission has also proposed encaderment of some posts of Board members in the Indian Revenue Service as a promotional incentive for the service.

Next Post: Recommendations for other allowances 





  1. my father Syed Qaiser Hussain Zahidi appeared in Indian Audit & Accounts exam in 1945. results were printed in Hindustan times dated 8/6/1946. I am interested in the copy of the results if you could help me, I will be really grateful
    my email: asif_zahidi@hotmail.com

  2. Sir,
    Iam not having access to this information
