Monday, 7 April 2008

Sixth CPC Report (ix): Central Services Gr A:(i)

Central Group A Services comprise of Organized and General Group A Services. The Organized Services cover Technical, Non Technical, Medical and other Services including Scientific Services. Taking an overview of the organisational structures the Commission has taken note of the fact that the pyramidical structure of the hierarchy in these services restricts the pace of upward mobility at the top stages leading to stagnation at Higher and Senior Administrative Grades (SAG/HAG) despite of several instances of cadre review and restructuring and consequential induction of several senior level posts in these organizations.

An important recommendation for taking care of this difficulty is for decadring of 20% of the posts in SAG and above ranks by all recognized services which would be allowed be filled up by Govt from any source . The Services would in turn be allowed to operate equal number of non functional posts in Senior or Higher Administrative Grades  to be filled up with officers with minimum length of service as per the laid down procedure. Benefit for promotion to HAG shall be available from 1st January of the year when promotion became due irrespective of the date of DPC. On regular posts being available the officer could be inducted there in without any further procedural delays.

The major demands from Central Services before the Sixth CPC related to parity with IAS, better entry grades scales  and  allocation of posts under Central Staffing Pattern in fair proportion and through a transparent process. Against this demand the Commission has recommended restriction of gap in batchwise parity in Central appointments to the extent of 2 years only. In practical terms this implies that on posting of an IAS officer of a particular batch to a particular grade pay in pay bands PB-3 or 4  in Center, non functional pay scale of higher nature  should be made available to Central Services officers with seniority higher by two years or more as personal scale. The officers would however get substantive postings when vacancies are available. Also for promotion to SAG common policy is recommended to be followed by all the Central Services in order to remove disparities. In order to ensure fair play in process of selection for SAG posts the involvement of UPSC has been recommended. Above measures are expected to remove the  anomalies in career advancement prospects in these Services.

Responding to the demand for higher pay package at the entry grade the Commission has increased the same uniformly for all the Central Services on pattern of All India Services. It has however not agreed to cadre review or restructuring for any service. These are the common issues. Individual service specific recommendations covered  in the next post.



  1. What about the pay scales for the
    central Group B cader, Because the commission was not tell anything about group B. Wather the commission has ommited the Group B cader in central Govt. please clarify

  2. Not exactly. Shall summrise tht in next post.
