Saturday, 25 October 2008

NANO to the rescue of NAMO

The decision of Tatas to shift the Nano Car project to Gujrat  after the bitter experience at West Bengal has given an opportunity to the State to  have some good cheer  for the festival  season. The Modi Government which has been facing international criticism for it's human rights violations and for it's insensitivity to plight of population displaced by ambitious developmental projects has seized the god sent (or Mamta sent) opportunity to tout this development as a tribute to State's investor friendly climate. So much is the feeling of elation that some fans of Narendra Modi find the similarity between his abbreviated name  (NAMO) to NANO rather exciting .

The State does deserve substantial credit for having facilitated this quick transfer due to decisive abilities of it's CM. The fact that the State was able to quickly start the process for acquisition for land required for approach roads and it's ability to mange the same without protest from the affected farmers speaks for it's management techniques.